

We were at the doctor’s for my little one’s annual wellness visit.  Thankfully, the plethora of vaccines were over and it was more of a check up.  I found myself thinking how ironic it was she was proud she’d gotten bigger all while I am striving to be smaller.  Not that I would ever tell her that.  I want her to have a positive body image and I suspect she is going to have my build.  I am proud of that and would not want to change it for the world.  Instead of taking off a onesie down to a diaper she was given a modesty “gown” which opened in the back.  It sort of freaked me out realizing how fast we had already reached this point.  She has always asked to see books, but I have read them aloud to her.  This time she asked if she could try to read.  I was shocked when she laboriously but triumphantly made it through an entire page!  I could not believe it.  I LIVE to read and I knew this marked the beginning of a whole new world for her for the rest of her life.  The American actress Helen Hayes said:

“From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other.  But when books are opened you discover that you have wings.”

I think my little one is beginning to grow wings.


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